Let's celebrate the wonderful Volunteers of the Maranoa!
Do you volunteer in the Maranoa? All volunteers across the region are invited to take part in Council’s Volunteer Week celebrations from 16-22 May 2022.
Held annually, National Volunteer Week is a chance for all of us to celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteers and to say thank you. Together, through volunteering, we are changing communities for the better. We are, Better Together.
As a token of appreciation, volunteers are encouraged to come along to the events listed below. All events are at no cost to the wonderful volunteers who contribute so greatly to our community.
All volunteers around the region are invited to attend a Long Lunch at Big Rig Roma in conjunction with the Big Rig Tower & Tree Walk Opening. Lunch will be served in the grass area behind the NOGI room.
12-2pm on Saturday, 21 May 2022
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
4pm: Swim at Great Artesian Spa
6pm: Two Course Dinner
Volunteers Bus Trip to the Big Rig Tower & Tree Walk Opening
Leaving Lion’s Park, Surat at 10.15am on Saturday, 21 May 2022
Thank You Morning Tea at Wallumbilla QCWA Hall
10am on Sunday, 22 May 2022
Thank You Morning Teas held at various locations
9.30am on Wednesday, 18 May at Injune Retirement Village
9.30am-11.30am on Thursday, 19 May at Injune Multi-Purpose Centre Veranda
9am-11am on Sunday, 22 May at Injune & District Men’s Shed
To view and download flyers for these events click here.
Maranoa Regional Council would like to thank all Volunteers throughout the region for the time and hard work they put into the community to make it a better place.
Bookings are required for catering purposes. To book your spot or for more information, please call your Local Development Officer on 1300 007 662.