Rates, Fees and Charges

Rates Notices 1 January - 30 June 2025

Rate notices for Maranoa residents have been sent out as of Wednesday, 5 February, covering the period from 1 January to 30 June 2025.

Notices were sent to the last known address, so if you haven't received yours, please contact the Council immediately.

To receive a 5% prompt payment discount, ensure full payment is made by Friday, 7 March 2025.


​Council rates and charges are levied half yearly.

Ratepayers should expect to receive their half yearly notices in August/September and February/March and will be provided 30 days to pay their rates to receive Council's discount for prompt payment (presently 5% on general rates only, providing full payment of all rates and charges, including arrears, are received before the due date).

For those properties receiving reticulated water, Council will also include water charges on half yearly notices.

Council now provides the option of receiving rates notices via email. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please have all owners complete Request to Receive Rates Notices Electronically.

If you are unable to pay your notice by the due date, please contact Council on 1300 007 662 to apply for a payment arrangement or complete Application to Payment Arrangement.

It is the rate payer's responsibility to ensure your contact details are current.  If you have had any changes to you details, please complete Name and address update form.  ​

 Please email the completed form to council@maranoa.qld.gov.au or return completed form to any Customer Service Centre.​

Information on rates and charges:

Supplementary notices may be issued to ratepayers at various times during the year to take account of changes in respect to services (for example, water and sewerage services associated with building a new house on vacant land or commencing a garbage service) to their property or in respect to their property's unimproved valuation (as advised by the Queensland State Government).​

In the event that ratepayers are issued with a supplementary notice, Council will offer the same payment period of 30 days as main levy notices, together with Council's discount, as an incentive for prompt payment.

If your account is in credit and you wish to request a refund or a transfer of funds to another account with Council, please complete Request for Rates or Utilities Refund or Transfer Form

Appeal against rate category

Ratepayers have the right to object against the differential rate category their land is included in. Our differential general rate is determined by using the unimproved value provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management, in conjunction with land use codes. 

A ratepayer may exercise their right of objection by completing and lodging our Notice of Objection to Differential Rating Categorisation form by the due date of the rate notice. This form is avaliable via a downloadable PDF and avaliable in Customer Service offices. 

We consider objections within 5 working days of receipt of notice of the objection. The ratepayer will be advised in  writing of our decision, and the necessary adjustments will be made to the property if approved. In assessing any any objection, we will consider information held in its land records and where necessary, undertake a property inspection to establish actual land use. 


Ratepayers should be mindful that all rates and charges outstanding 30 days after the date of issue of the rate notice will attract interest at the rate of 11% per annum, compounding on daily balances.