Disaster and Emergency
South West Queensland faces a variety of disaster and emergency risks, including fire, storms and flooding.
When these occur, local councils have a primary responsibility to coordinate and manage disasters and emergency in the region.
Council urges our community to be aware of the risks and proactively plan for disaster events.
Here you will find background and resources to ensure your family is prepared for disaster and emergency events.
Council’s Disaster Dashboard provides up-to-date information on risks, as well as information about road conditions and closures across the region and power outages.
Links and Emergency Contacts
A list of important numbers to keep handy in an emergency
Triple Zero is the emergency phone number in Australia for police, fire fighters or ambulance. Call Triple Zero only in an emergency.
Calls to Triple Zero are free (mobile phones, land lines and pay phones).
For non-urgent assistance or to report a property-related crime, call Policelink on 13 14 44.
- Secondary Number for Mobile Phones: 112
- Text-Based Relay Service: 106
- More information: Triple Zero (000).
More information about Emergency Assistance provided by Triple Zero (000) and calls from mobile phones.
For non-life-threatening flood and storm emergency assistance during severe weather events call 132500.
You can also visit 132500.qld.gov.au or download the SES Assistance App available for both Apple and Android devices.
Do not request SES assistance or report an emergency by these contacts.
More information about the SES.
When you need to report non-urgent police matters, for example if the crime is not happening now, is not life-threatening or there is no likelihood of the suspected offenders still being in the area.
- Phone: 13 14 44
- More information: Policelink.
You should call 000 if you need urgent help from police services.
Roma Police Station
44-46 Queen Street, Roma, 4455Hours:
Mon to Fri 8am-4pmPhone number:
(07) 4622 9333 -
For non-life-threatening calls. If you have a medical reason why you can’t use community, public or private transport, you may be able to use a non-urgent ambulance.
- Phone: 13 12 33
- More Information: Patient Transfer Service.
You should call 000 if you need urgent help from ambulance services.
A number of hospitals and health centres are operated by South West Hospital and Health Service.
Hospitals / Multipurpose Health Service
Roma (07) 4624 2700
Injune (07) 4626 1188
Mitchell (07) 4623 1277
Surat (07) 4626 5166A full list of our regional services can be found here.
If you have lost power or are experiencing electricity supply problems call:
- 13 22 96
To report life threatening emergencies like fallen power lines or shocks & tingles call:
- 000 or 13 16 70.
A list of current power outages can be found on Council’s Disaster Dashboard.
If you smell gas in the street or on your property up to and including the gas meter, phone 1300 007 662 (during business hours) or 0418 720 690 (after hours) immediately.
Disaster Management Plan
The Local Disaster Management Plan is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Disaster Management Act 2003 to ensure safety of the community and effective coordination of available resources during a disaster.
The purpose of the Plan is to detail arrangements for the coordination and management of resources, to ensure and maintain safe communities within the Maranoa region prior to, during, and after a disaster.
The Plan is reviewed annually to ensure it meets the changing needs of the Maranoa region.
You can download a copy of Maranoa Regional Council Local Disaster Management Plan here, however it is a tool that is utilised only by the Local Disaster Management Group.