Roma Saleyards

Roma Saleyards logo

The Roma Saleyards is the country's largest cattle selling centre and Australia's marketplace of choice with 223,984 cattle sold through the yards in the 2023/24 financial year.

The saleyards, which are known for their record breaking sales, is the marketplace of choice for many graziers in Queensland, New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

European Union (EU) accredited, Roma Saleyards offer a modern, safe and fully maintained facility situated on almost 50 hectares.

Auctions are conducted every Tuesday commencing at 8am, with special sales such as Bull Sales, Herd Dispersal Sales and Special Breed Sales held according to demand.

Tours of the Roma Saleyards are held on select days. Please note, sales can be changed and/or cancelled at short notice.

For general enquiries, contact Roma Saleyards on (07) 4624 0404. 

For tour information, please contact Roma Visitor Information Centre on (07) 4624 0204. 


  • Join a FREE guided tour of the largest cattle selling centre in Australia where local graziers teach you all about the local cattle industry and watch live as auctioneers demonstrate their fast-paced skills.

    Tours commence at 8.30am every Tuesday. We recommend arriving at 8.15am.​

    Sales are every Tuesday however are subject to change.

    For more information, contact the Roma Visitor Information Centre on 4622 8676.

  • In line with the new Public Health and Social Measures introduced from 1.00am Thursday 14 April 2022. The Val Harms Roma Saleyards Interactive Centre opening hours are as follows:

    Opening Hours:
    Monday – Sunday 
    From 8.30am with last entry at 5.00pm

    This centre is open on public holidays.

  • ​The saleyards and the beef industry itself are entrenched in Roma’s history and play a key part in the region’s economic growth.

    The Roma Saleyards Master Plan has been developed with a view to creating a thriving hub of business opportunities and to ‘value add’ to the Saleyards precinct.

    The Roma Saleyards delivers huge economic benefits to the region and provides easy access to services for rural producers. 

  • The three-bay Roma Saleyards Truck Wash Facility is an important feature of the saleyards, catering for approximately four times the previous customer throughput, by providing additional wash bays.

    The design has improved functionality and reduced waiting periods by up to an hour. The facility also reduces the overall quantity of bore water used in the washing process, improves the quality of the discharge and recycles/re-uses the treated discharge.

    Designed by Struxi and built by local builders SM and KA Duff, the truck wash was completed in 2015 and has been operating with encouraging reviews ever since.

    This project was funded by Maranoa Regional Council ($1 million), the State's Royalties for the Regions program ($1.5 million) and Santos GLNG ($500,000).

    Maranoa Regional Council's Roma Saleyards Truck Wash was named a state winner at the 2016 Building Design Association Queensland (BDAQ) Awards.

    Winning in the category for Best Special Project, the truck wash received accolades from some of the industry's best designers.​

  • All livestock carriers bringing cattle to the Roma Saleyards for private weighing and spelling will need to call 0427 985 216.

    All livestock carriers loading cattle out of the Roma Saleyards will also need to call that number. 

    All livestock carriers unloading cattle for auction sale (store and prime sales) will need to call 0456 960 942.

    For emergency repairs, maintenance, general concerns or all other enquiries call 0418 754 949. 

  • It is a condition of buying cattle at Roma Saleyards that all purchasers must complete a Buyer Registration Form (this includes credit checks) and be approved by Roma Livestock Agents Association prior to purchasing livestock.

    Buyer Registration Forms are available from Roma Livestock Agents Association and Roma Saleyards administration.

    Failure to comply with this condition will result in that purchaser’s consignment being held at Roma Saleyards (at the expense of the purchaser) until this condition has been met to the satisfaction of Roma Livestock Agents Association.

    For further information please email Roma Livestock Agents Association at


  • The Roma Saleyards Memorial Wall has been erected as a Maranoa Regional Council project to provide a place to commemorate individuals that have made a significant contribution to the Saleyards, and to mark key milestones in the development and running of the Roma Saleyards.

    In deciding who should be commemorated, the Saleyards are requesting community nominations. 

    To nominate an individual you think is worthy, and to find out more about the nomination criteria, please download the forms here

  • Roma Saleyards Site Induction QR Code.