Grants and Funding

Maranoa Regional Council provides support for our thriving community through community grants, non-financial assistance and sponsorship.
This is made possible by partnering with business, government and other community sectors who are passionate about growing our region, developing opportunities, lifestyle and attractions for current and future residents.
For more information about our policy, click here.
Council's Grant Opportunities
Round 2 for 2024/25 will be open from 10 February to 28 March 2025.
Community and not-for-profit groups with a vision to develop the region are invited to apply for financial assistance under Maranoa Regional Council’s Community Grants Program.
The Community Grants Program provides an opportunity for groups to receive a significant financial boost for their plans. This program recognises the significant impact of the region’s not-for-profit groups through financial backing of both Council and Small Grant co-funder, Senex Energy.
There are three types of grants available:
- Senex Small Grants $500 to $3,000
- Community Grants $3,001 to $10,000
- Major Grants $10,001 to $20,000
They come under six categories:
- Community Development
- Community Events
- Culture and Heritage
- Sport and Recreation
- Environment
- Economic Development
In the first round of the 2024/25 Community Grants program grants were awarded for a variety of projects. Projects were as diverse as accommodation upgrades to the Injune Kindergarten, music stand lights for Maranoa Music, funding for the Surat Local Ambulance and the Begonia Sports Club Christmas events.
To apply, fill out a Major and Community Grants Application Form or Small Grants Application Form.
To fill out a Grant Acquittal form, click here.
Click here to view the Community Grants Guidelines.
Financial assistance for local projects with artistic and cultural outcomes is available through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF).
The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Maranoa Regional Council to support local arts and cultural priorities in the Maranoa as determined by our local communities.
Applications are open all year round and will be assessed by the RADF Committee case-by-case.
The RADF Committee reviews the application, which then Council ratified during a general meeting. Although we endeavour to expedite the assessment and approval process, it can take 6 to 8 weeks from the submission date to receive a decision. We request that you allow ample time for this process.
The program promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to develop sustainable, diverse and prosperous local communities.
In 2024 alone, Maranoa Regional Council has received 11 applications through the RADF program – approving a total of $41,221 in funding for projects across the region.
Please contact the Regional Arts and Culture Officer for assistance prior to submitting your application or for any more information regarding the Regional Arts Development Fund program by calling: 1300 007 662.
Further information of the Queensland Government’s involvement with RADF can be found here.
Information, forms and guidelines:
- RADF Information for Applicants
- RADF Application Guidelines
- RADF Application Form
- RADF Acceptance Form
- RADF Outcome Report
Hard copies of the guidelines and application forms are available at the Maranoa Regional Council libraries or Customer Service Centres.
Maranoa Regional Council RADF Committee
Prospective applications may contact Maranoa Regional Council RADF Committee members for general information about the RADF program and assistance with developing their ideas into projects. All other enquiries should be directed to the RADF Liaison Officer/ Regional Arts and Culture Officer.The RADF committee members are:
- Cr Meryl Brumpton (serving as the committee’s chair)
- Cr Johanne Hancock
- Chris Riddell
- Sandra MacDonald
- Susan Sands
- Wendy Henning
- Sally West
- Vicki Beitz
Do you want to serve on the RADF Committee?
To download the RADF Committee Nomination Form, please click here.
For further information, please contact Council on 1300 007 662.
Eligible organisations may apply for non-financial assistance, including in-kind assistance through use of Council equipment or plant and fee waivers of Council facilities. This excludes bond payments.
In-Kind Assistance provides Council labour, plant or equipment to assist with a project/event at no charge to a community organisation.
You can apply for minor or major assistance. Applications will be processed as recieved throughout the year being assessed by the relevant officer and if successful, approved by a director.
Categories include:
- In-Kind Minor ($500 and under). Application needs to be fully completed, including any required documentation and received at least 10 working days prior to the event.
- In-Kind Major ($500 to $5,000). Application needs to be fully completed, including any required documentation and received at least 8 weeks prior to the event.
- In-Kind Major (Over $5,001). fully completed, including any required documentation and received at least 8 weeks prior to the event.
To see if you are eligible, view the policy by clicking here.
Maranoa Regional Council’s sponsorship program is a once-off financial contribution for a specified purpose directed at achieving Council’s Corporate Plan. Council expects negotiated benefits such as positive recognition in exchange.
Categories include:
- Local events (Funding up to $1,000). Aim: to attract an attendance of up to 500 people and be of interest to a local community or a small segment of the region.
- Regional events (Funding up to $2,000). Aim: To attract an attendance of 500-2,000 people from across the Maranoa Region with the potential to attract attendees from neighbouring regions. The event will provide reasonable economic and social benefits to the region.
- Significant events (Funding up to $5,000). Aim: To support large-scale events synonymous to the region that potentially run longer than one day and typically involve approximately 2,000 people or more. The event would have potential to attract visitors from outside the Maranoa region and provide considerable economic and social benefits to the region.
- Destination events (Funding upon application). Aim: To support large-scale social, cultural, industry and sporting events for the purpose of attracting overnight visitation and delivering tourism and economic benefits to the Maranoa region. The event would typically run longer than one day and involve more than 2,000 people with a sizeable portion of attendees being from outside the region. This event would provide sustainable economic and social benefits to the region.
People can check their eligibility by visiting page two (2) of the policy.
To apply, complete and submit the form to or drop it off in person to your preferred Maranoa Regional Council Customer Service centres within the designated timeframes.
Once an application is submitted, Council will evaluate it in alignment with their vision, current priorities and financial allocations. During this process, Council ensures that they can legally support the applicant’s submission pursuant to the Local Government Act, 2009 or other statute.
Tips for Success
- Discuss your project and application with the Local Development Officer
- Make sure your project is in line with Council’s Corporate Plan
- Start gathering support documentation early, i.e. financial statements, letters of support
- Submit your application early and ask for feedback
- Answer all questions and sign where required