Place your bins on the kerbside prior to 5am the day of your collection. It is recommended that you place the bin kerbside the night before to ensure your bin is emptied.
To make things as easy as possible for your bin collector, and to ensure your bin is collected on your collection day, refer to Council's Residential Waste Collection Flyer.
Council does not supply Wheelie Bins; these can be purchased from any hardware store. Council’s contractors collect wheelie bins in each town on designated days each week.
Additionally, could the following two forms be linked to the page for ease of access?
Application for New, Additional, or Removal Waste Service (Excluding Mitchell):D16/17397
Application for New, Additional, or Removal Waste Service (Mitchell ONLY):D16/17409
Wheel-out, Wheel back Collection Service
Did you know that Council offers a ‘Wheel-out, Wheel-back’ Service for residents needing a hand to place their wheelie bin on the kerb?
This service sees the contractor retrieve the wheelie bin, collect the rubbish, and then return the bin to the resident's property.
If you are physically unable to place your bin kerbside; and there is no other person residing at your property who can place your bin kerbside, you may be eligible for this service.
To obtain an application form, please call Council’s Environmental Health and Waste Team on 1300 007 662.
Maranoa Annual Kerbside Collection
Council encourages residents to live cleaner and greener at home and in our community with the Keep Maranoa Beautiful campaign occuring in March each year.
The Keep Maranoa Beautiful campaign is a free kerbside collection service to help dispose of large household items, green waste and metal waste.
This free kerbside collection service takes plaec in the lead up to Easter each year. Council will advise to dates for 2025 early in the new year.