Rates Issued - 16 March 2022
Council advises that Rates Notices for the current half year (1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022) have been issued to ratepayers Wednesday, 16 March 2022.
Rates notices were posted to residents at their last known address. Please note that rates notices can now be emailed. If you would like to receive your rates notice via email, please visit or call your local Customer Service Centre to complete an application to make the change.
Residents that own land in the Maranoa and do not receive a rate notice, are encouraged to contact Council to receive a copy.
To receive the prompt payment discount of 5% of the general rates charged, the total rates and charges owing (including any arrears), must be paid in full by close of business on Tuesday, 19 April 2022. This means that time delays must be taken into account when making payments by either electronic means or via post. Please ensure that any electronic payments are made well in advance of the last date for discount to avoid missing out due to delays in the money being transferred to Council’s account.
For the convenience of ratepayers, there are a number of payment methods available:
- In person – cash, cheque, money order, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard at any Maranoa Regional Council Customer Service Centre
- In person – at any Australia Post office
- Online via BPay
- Online via Council’s secure online payment portal using your credit card. Please visit Council website www.maranoa.qld.gov.au and click the Make a Payment tab
- By phone to Council – call 1300 007 662
- By phone to Australia Post – 13 18 16
- By mail – PO Box 620, Roma Qld 4455
- By Australia Post - Billpay
Residents who are experiencing financial difficulty and cannot pay the rates in full by the due date, can apply to Council to enter into a payment arrangement to pay rates in smaller, regular payments. However, the prompt payment discount does not apply to this option.