Heifers hit 894c/kg at Roma Store Sale

At Roma Saleyards Store Sale held on Tuesday, 3 August 2021 a new top price for the facility was recorded, with prices reaching 894c/kg.
The sale topping heifers sold for 894c/kg, reaching a top of $2,644 to average $2,557 per heifer.
Cr Tyson Golder congratulates all involved in achieving fantastic prices at the Roma Saleyards.
“Yet another example of the value of competition with Roma being the biggest in beef’,” Cr Golder said.
“Thank you to all who continue to support Australia’s largest cattle selling centre, the Roma Saleyards.”
To view the complete Tuesday Store Sale market report, please visit the Roma Saleyards Facebook page or www.maranoa.qld.gov.au/roma-saleyards.