Budget 2022/23 Highlights
The 2022/23 Budget totals $133.2 million which will be funded from a mix of rating and non-rating revenue and other funding sources.
Key Budget Highlight
Mayor Tyson Golder said a key highlight of this year’s budget was Council’s decision to put a cap on rate increases.
“Rates are a concern to all residents in the region. The current economic climate with rising inflation and increased cost of living has been a key factor in council resolving to adopt 0% cap increases for multiple categories.” Cr Golder said.
Council actively pursues Queensland and Australian Government funding opportunities and industry contributions to assist in funding services and projects for our communities. This enables council to do more than what could be achieved if solely relied upon general rates.
Where to see it
Council would like to advise residents that the Special Budget Meeting video will be posted to Council’s YouTube, Facebook, and website by close of business Monday.
Spending in the right places
Increased spending on roads and drainage to $28.224 million in capital projects. This is to manage the 5,607.56kms of road in the Maranoa region – the third largest council road network in Queensland.
Reducing councils’ debt
Council has budgeted to pay down debt by $1.8m in the 2022/23 budget.
Council has taken out no new borrowings to ensure the sustainability of council’s financial health. By not taking out any new borrowing’s Council is able to reduce its liability and increase savings.
In 2022/23, 48.91% of the funding required for services and projects will come from rates and charges levied through the half yearly rate notices.
Making our dollars go further
Maintaining the regions infrastructure through responsible planning and maintenance remains a crucial factor in determining where funds are spent.
Council has leveraged $4 for every $1contribution in grants for capital works.
The value of our 2022/23 Capital Works Program including continuing projects is $60.4 million. Priority projects include:
- Water - $3.04 million
- Sewerage - $2.29 million
- Facilities - $13.86 million