Going once, going twice, gone! Roma Saleyards to host ALPA Young Auctioneers Competition

Roma saleyards cattle

Council welcomes back the Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association (ALPA) as Roma Saleyards is set to host this year's state final for the ALPA Queensland Young Auctioneers Competition!

This year’s competition is set to take place during the regular Store Sale held on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.

Mayor Tyson Golder looks forward to seeing the competition take place once again at the Roma Saleyards state of the art Stud Stock Selling Arena.

“Following the success of last year’s event, Australia’s Largest Saleyards, Roma Saleyards is excited to continue to sponsor the Queensland Young Auctioneers Competition, it is fantastic to see such events as this bring new faces to the area and provide the opportunity for everyone to experience this great facility” Cr Golder said.

The event will be livestreamed, and details will be published on the Roma Saleyards Facebook page.

For more information about the Queensland Young Auctioneers Competition, please contact Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association CEO Peter Baldwin.