Maranoa LDMG meets to discuss National Biosecurity concerns


Council has called a meeting of its Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) to discuss escalating concerns in relation to adequate Biosecurity measures.

Council has called a meeting of its Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) to discuss escalating concerns in relation to adequate Biosecurity measures to prevent Foot and Mouth (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) from entering Australia.

Mayor Golder states “Compared to covid, FMD would be 10 times more devasting for Regional Australia. Australia set aside $100m for drought support, but that would be a drop in the ocean for FMD – reports are it could cost Australia $80 billion and destabilise agricultural markets for all exports.”

Maranoa Regional Council, as owner of Australia’s largest saleyards, is the centre for national beef trade.

Council will discuss our biosecurity preparedness in the Maranoa and the biosecurity measures that the State Governments Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) have put in place and urge the State and Federal Government to ‘pull out the stops’ in relation to protecting Australia at our Borders.

“The feedback I have received is that returning passengers were still unaware of how serious this threat is and were not stopped and asked questions about their movements at the border.” Said Cr Golder.

We urge other Councils in Queensland to join the call to action, urging the State and Federal Governments to ramp up all biosecurity measures at entry points to Australia.