Maranoa Community Grants program now open!

Maranoa Community Grants program now open!

Is your community group seeking funding for an upcoming project or event?

Round 1 of Maranoa Regional Council’s Community Grants Program is now open! Community and not-for-profit groups are invited to apply for financial assistance to help fund an activity, project or event.

The Community Grants Program is a great opportunity for groups to undertake projects with the support of Council and Senex Energy. The Community Grant categories are:

  • Small Grant (co-funded by Senex Energy) – $500 - $3,000
  • Community Grant – $3,001 - $10,000.
  • Major Grant – $10,001 - $20,000.

Council recognises the importance of community groups and the valuable contribution they make to the enhancement, enrichment, and liveability of communities in the Maranoa. Council is committed to supporting groups by providing grants for one-off projects in the following categories: Community Development, Culture and Heritage, Environment, Community Events, Sport and Recreation and Economic Development.

Mayor Tyson Golder said Community Grants give Maranoa community groups a helping hand for their projects, events and upgrades.

“I would like to thank Senex Energy for their support of the small grants category that provide groups with a great opportunity to upgrade facilities, deliver events and support the Maranoa community,” Cr Golder said.

Senex Energy Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said Senex was proud to continue its long-standing support of the small grants program.

“We’re delighted to provide much-needed support to local community organisations and initiatives that enhance the liveability of the region,” he said.

Tips, guidelines and application forms for the Community Grants Program are available on Council’s website at

The application period closes on Friday, 30 September 2022. This is the first round of the 2022/23 year.

Please contact your Local Development Officer on 1300 007 662 for assistance prior to submitting your application or for any more information regarding Council’s Community Grants Program.