Be aware and be prepared, what you can do to help keep Australia FMD free
The Maranoa Local Disaster Management Group has met twice over the past weeks to discuss the current situation in relation to the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease
Being home to Australia’s Largest Saleyards, the Roma Saleyards, the LDMG is working with Council to ensure there is a coordinated focus on prevention and preparedness, in the event of an emergency biosecurity event.
The importance placed on managing this type of event was evident by the large number of representatives from key agencies that attended the exercise held in Roma on 1 August 2022. The focus was on implementing the Roma Saleyards Biosecurity and Livestock Standstill Plan should a National Livestock Standstill be ordered.
Mayor Tyson Golder, Chair of Maranoa LDMG said the exercise was a great opportunity for representatives from the relevant agencies and industry to come together to gain a better understanding of the Roma Saleyards Livestock Standstill Plan and the role they may play should a threat emerge, and a standstill is ordered.
“The impact of an FMD and LSD outbreak in Australia would be catastrophic for our region, therefore, Council is working hand in hand with the LDMG and are committed to raising awareness, as we all can play a part in stopping the disease by reducing our risk.”
There are three simple steps we can take to be aware and be prepared:
- PROTECT your livestock and livelihood:
- Have a biosecurity management plan in place and ensure your biosecurity entity registration details are up to date at Registration
- Stay informed at or the emergency animal disease preparedness eHub at
- Do not feed swill to pigs - food or food waste containing meat; meat products; eggs; or anything that has been in contact with these items. People food is not pig food, and swill feeding is illegal in all states and territories in Australia.
- LOOK for and know the signs of animal disease, including blisters/ulcers in the mouth, feet and teats, lameness, unwillingness to eat and excessive salivation.
- REPORT suspect cases to your veterinarian or the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888 immediately
For any enquiries, please contact Councils Customer Service on 1300 007 662.