Bitumen widening upgrades for a number of streets in the region
As part of Council’s 2022/23 Budget, several town streets around the region where the bitumen currently does not extend to the existing kerb and channel will be sealed.
The streets approved for widening in 2022/23 are:
- Lovell Street (Roma) – between Arthur and Charles Street
- Robert Street (Surat) – between Cordelia and Charlotte Street; and
- Southern Side of William Street (Surat) – between Charlotte and Sarah Street
The works, which are due to commence as early as this week, will generally be completed in a staged process. These stages include:
- Stage 1 - project set-out and service locations. This stage will mainly focus on Robert Street in Surat with works undertaken with a vacuum excavation truck. These works will expose any underground services close to the surface before the profiling works commence.
- Stage 2 - excavation of some existing road base material from the edge of the existing bitumen surface to the kerb & channel. Some of this material will be salvaged for re-use on other Council projects. During this stage, a road profiler and body trucks will cart away the excavated material. Where required, and to maintain access for residents in the area, Council crews will place material against the excavated edges to temporarily reinstate driveways to maintain access for residents. For the Surat Streets, there is likely to be approximately a one-week gap between the second and third stage.
- Stage 3 - placement of gravel, trimming and bitumen sealing. During this stage, conventional road building equipment - graders, rollers and water trucks – will place new gravel in the excavation between the seal and kerb. Once placed, trimmed and compacted, the surface will then receive a new coat of bitumen.
Given the location of the works, the project team have organised specialised excavation equipment to help reduce the overall duration of the works. At this stage, all three projects are expected to take a total of three (3) weeks to complete weather permitting.
Traffic controllers, advance warning signs and detours will be in place to help guide motorists and pedestrians safely around the work site. During the main works, the streets will be closed to through traffic, with the exception of local resident traffic.
Council would like to thank residents in advance for their patience and cooperation while these important street upgrade works are completed.
For more information, please contact Council on 1300 007 662.