Water is a valuable resource provided by Council to all residential, commercial, and industrial properties in the Maranoa.
Water is readily available, yet due to supply network constraints it is essential that all properties follow the water schedule for their area.
The water schedule implemented in the Maranoa works to conserve water by limiting water usage during times of peak demand. By conserving water through a water schedule, costly bore, reservoir, pump and reticulation upgrades can be avoided. Residents may use an alternative water source at any time.
Summer Watering Schedule for all towns except Surat (1 September – 31 March)
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays odd numbered properties may water before 9am, and after 4pm
- Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays even numbered properties may water before 9am, and after 4pm
- On Mondays, hand held hoses are permitted but no unattended hoses or sprinklers may be used by any domestic households or businesses unless prior written approval has been granted.
Winter Watering Schedule for all towns except Surat (1 April - 31 August)
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays odd numbered properties may water at any time
- Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays even numbered properties may water at any time
- On Mondays, hand held hoses are permitted but no unattended hoses or sprinklers may be used by any domestic households or businesses unless prior written approval has been granted.
Summer Watering Schedule for Surat
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday East may water (5am – 9am & 4pm – 8pm)
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday West may water (5am – 9am & 4pm – 8pm)
Winter Watering Schedule for Surat
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday East may water (6am – 10am & 2pm – 6pm)
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday West may water (6am – 10am & 2pm – 6pm)
Non-compliance with the water schedule may result in a Penalty Infringement Notice being issued, the fine will be in accordance with the State Penalties Enforcement 2014.
For more information, please contact Council’s Water, Sewerage and Gas team on 1300 007 662.