The recent rainfall across the Maranoa has provided an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Council is asking for residents’ help to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes.
Residents are asked to check their homes and gardens for items that store water and tip out any water or dispose of the items to prevent mosquito breeding in ponding water. Items include buckets, old tyres, tin cans, toys, drains, plastic containers, fallen palm fronds, pot plant saucers, vases, indoor plants and gutters.
A few tips in order to control and prevent mosquito breeding occurring in your backyard include:
- Screen large water-holding containers (rainwater tanks, wells and drums) with wire gauze no coarser than 1mm mesh.
- Clean bird baths, fishponds and ornamental ponds weekly to remove mosquito larvae and keep Australian native fish in your ponds.
- Keep your swimming pool chlorinated and regularly operate the pool pump all year round.
- Maintain drains to allow for water flow. Fill in any depressions to prevent water ponding.
- Keep roof gutters and drain traps free of vegetation and other matter.
For more information, please contact Council’s Environmental Health & Waste Team on 1300 007 662.