Selective Inspection Program confirmed to commence in September

During the Ordinary Meeting held 14 July, Council approved the 2021 Selective Inspection Program which is set to commence Monday, 6 September and conclude Friday, 26 November.
During the Ordinary Meeting held 14 July, Council approved the 2021 Selective Inspection Program which is set to commence Monday, 6 September and conclude Friday, 26 November.
The annual program takes place to encourage responsible animal ownership within the Maranoa region and assesses compliance with the State Government’s Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 for dog registration and regulated dog provisions.
Inspections may occur in premises situated within the townships of Amby, Injune, Jackson, Mitchell, Muckadilla, Mungallala, Roma, Surat, Wallumbilla and Yuleba. During the program, Council will only visit properties where officers have a reasonable belief that an unregistered or regulated dog may be present.
Deputy Mayor Geoff McMullen said last year’s Selective Inspection Program was very successful, with 496 registrations being processed during the three-month program resulting in 3009 registered dogs within the region and is the highest number of registered dogs since amalgamation.
“Council recently resolved to maintain the 50% waiver of animal registration fees as part of the COVID-19 relief strategy," Cr McMullen said.
“There is no better time to register your pet.”
With the program set to commence in the coming weeks, Council is urging animal owners to ensure their registration is up to date to avoid being issued a fine. Having your pet registered is being a responsible animal owner and assists to reunite you with your pet if it becomes lost.
To find out more information regarding the Selective Inspection Program, please visit