Council launches new award to celebrate much loved locals

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Maranoa Regional Council has launched its new Spirit of Maranoa Award which will be presented immediately preceding Australia Day ceremonies across the region from 2023.

The Spirit of Maranoa Award is a people’s choice award and was established to recognise residents within the region who have made a substantial positive difference to the community.

The Spirit of Maranoa Award will be awarded to five candidates across the region in the following categories:

  • Spirit of Bendemere Award
  • Spirit of Booringa Award
  • Spirit of Bungil Award
  • Spirit of Roma Award
  • Spirit of Warroo Award

Mayor Tyson Golder said that he is extremely happy that Council has enacted a people’s choice award for outstanding community members, which is focused on a simple process. The award is an easy way for people to show appreciation for other community members for their contribution, whether it be volunteer or paid.

“The Spirit of Maranoa Award is a great way to show someone that you truly appreciate the impact they have on our community. I really encourage everyone to get involved and submit a nomination. It’s a quick and easy process.

“People can fill in a simple form at one of our Customer Service Centres, phone a friendly Customer Service Officer or lodge online. There is an award for each area of the region, and I encourage people to nominate as many times as you like.

“Saying thank you to a community member for their contribution doesn’t always fit with traditional award process. This award has simple criteria and a simple nomination process.

“I look forward to better understanding the contributions of people to our region through these nominations,” said Cr Golder.

Nominations only require the name and contact details of the individual, and a brief description of how they have made a difference to their community in fifty words or less.

Residents wishing to nominate someone can call 1300 007 662 or by picking up a form at their local customer service centre.

To find out further information about the Australia Day awards ceremonies across the Maranoa, visit here