Works commence near Railway Dam to improve stormwater management for Roma

Railway Dam

Residents will see an increase in activity near Railway Dam in Roma as Maranoa Regional Council undertakes work on the Stage 2B Project.

The project includes the construction of an additional bank and new drainage structures to help improve the management of stormwater around and downstream of the Railway Dam. 

During major/intense rainfall events, the stormwater network in the area around KFC, Roma State College - Junior Campus and corner of Bowen Street and Wyndham Street are currently trying to process both localised run-off, as well as outflows from the Railway Dam site.

Once delivered, the additional storage will help reduce the speed of stormwater run-off from the Railway Dam site and allow the stormwater infrastructure downstream (of the Railway Dam) more time to process the localised street run-off. This will be achieved by using the new Stage 2B infrastructure to temporarily store water and control its release downstream through the new drainage structures located adjacent to Feather Street. 

The project is scheduled to take approximately three months to complete (weather permitting).

During construction there will be an increase in construction traffic entering and exiting the site – mainly along Feather Street and Mayne Street. Traffic controllers and road signage will be in place during the works and Council will be in contact and work closely with residents surrounding the works.

Council has been in contact and working with Roma Bush Gardens, with works planned to allow the footpath around the Railway Dam to remain open while a majority of the construction is underway. No works on the existing dams on the site are proposed as part of the works.

For more information, please contact Council’s Construction Team on 1300 007 662.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s Building our Regions program in association with Maranoa Regional Council.