Residents invited to sneak peak of new Injune Heritage Museum

Injune heritage museum

Maranoa Regional Council has invited residents to a walkthrough of the newly constructed Injune Heritage Museum in February.

The museum project, which has been driven by the local community and their desire to
preserve the town’s history, is nearing completion, and locals will be given the chance to
check out the premises on Wednesday, 8 February at 6pm. Light refreshments will be

Mayor Tyson Golder said the newly constructed Injune Heritage Museum is vital to
preserving the area’s history and will be popular with locals and visitors alike.

“It’s great to see this important community-led project nearing completion. I’d like to
congratulate the volunteers that made this happen, especially for their ongoing advocacy for
the community need to save Injune’s amazing history,” said Cr Golder.

Council received a funding contribution of $1,350,936 for The Injune Heritage Museum from
the Australian Government under its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI)
Program. The LRCI Program supports local councils to deliver priority local road and
community infrastructure projects across Australia.

For any enquiries, please contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 1300 007 662.