Highlights from the Wednesday, 8 February Ordinary Council Meeting
Maranoa Regional Council held its recent Ordinary Meeting of Council at the Injune Memorial Hall on Wednesday, 8 February 2023.
Numerous agenda items were discussed during the meeting, with some great outcomes for the community being outlined below.
• A walkthrough was conducted of the newly constructed Injune Heritage Museum. Council resolved to consult with the Cultural Heritage Injune Preservation Society (CHIPS) regarding the proposed scope and costings of the internal fit out of the museum, including having the facility brought to practical completion in the 2023/24 financial year.
• Council resolved to install a water supply to each of the four garden beds at the entrances to Injune. These garden beds are at the eastern and western sides of the Carnarvon Highway.
• Council supported several requests for assistance which included:
1. Accept Mr. Ray White’s offer to deliver the Southern Cross Piston Pump and Southern Cross Diesel Engine to Surat to be installed on the Surat River Walk as a tourism attraction.
2. Provide $20,000 in funding to sponsor Sculpture Out Back’s Local Artist Acquisitive Prize for 2023. In addition, Council will provide in-kind support to ensure the site is presentable for the duration of the 2023 event.
3. Provide in-kind support to the Mitchell Camp Draft, which includes a water truck, pump, site preparation, portable generator and bins.
• Council adopted its Quarter 2 budget and operational plan, and tabled its budget schedule for 2023.
• Council received the post-event report for the Maranoa Christmas Street Party. Due to the great success of this event, Council is considering the allocation of $20,000 to fund the 2023 event as part of the upcoming budget.
For any enquiries, please contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 1300 007 662.