Basalt Creek Cluster Delivers on Queensland Feral Pest Initiative Round 3

Basalt Creek Cluster Delivers on Queensland Feral Pest Initiative Round 3

The future of sheep production looks certain in the Mitchell region with the finalisation of the Basalt Creek Cluster fencing project.

The cluster group has been contributing to the network of predator proof fencing throughout the Maranoa Regional Council area, thanks to funding support from the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative Round 3.

The Basalt Creek cluster comprises of 10 land managers who have constructed 65km of predator proof fence to reduce stock losses and enhance landscape resilience from feral pests. The cluster fence incorporates the Wild Dog Barrier Fence on its northern boundary. 

Cluster secretary Deborah Moore saw the benefits immediately once the southern and eastern sections of the cluster was constructed in late 2021.

“The dog pressure was high, and it was impacting all of us, since the fence has gone up, the fresh incursions have dramatically decreased, and we are now working collectively to eradicate the remaining feral pests within the cluster”

Since 2015, the State Government has allocated almost $26.11 million through the QFPI to assist regional communities across Queensland to construct cluster fences in key sheep growing areas. QFPI is funded by the Queensland and Australian Government as part of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.

Photo: Felicity Brumpton Principle of the Jolly Jumbuck Merino Stud inspecting the stock in the BAYNHAM yards. Photo supplied by Basalt Creek Cluster Inc.