Roma Saleyards Gets New Steer of Direction

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Maranoa Regional Council has announced Mr Daniel Haslop as the new General Manager of the Roma Saleyards.

Following an extensive search for the ideal candidate, Council appointed Mr Haslop to the position given his experience in the agricultural and natural resources industry and his stellar performance in the role of Roma Overseer for Council.

Mr Haslop, who is a fourth-generation farmer from Dulacca, began his new role on Monday, 27 March 2023 and is passionate about creating conditions for efficient and effective commercial services for the yard’s customers, consulting with stakeholders to identify untapped opportunities, and working to showcase the largest saleyards in Australia to the wider community.

Mayor Tyson Golder said he’s pleased that the position has been filled.

“I am pleased to see that the position of the General Manager of the saleyards has been filled. I look forward to the General Manager working with all stakeholders, the saleyards manager and Council staff to deliver faster weighing times and more efficient loading and unloading times for Australia’s largest saleyards – Roma Saleyards. I’d like to congratulate Mr Haslop on his new role,” said Cr Golder.

The Roma Saleyards first year of operation was in 1969, and, since its opening, the facility routinely sees approximately 220,000 head of cattle processed annually. It remains the largest cattle selling centre in Australia.

For further information, please contact Maranoa Regional Council on 1300 007 662.