Maranoa Regional Council launches initiative to address childcare shortage


Maranoa Regional Council is calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to help solve the region’s childcare shortage.

To solve the issue, Council is calling for Expressions of Interest from passionate individuals, entrepreneurs, and organisations to contribute their innovative ideas and expertise in tackling the childcare shortage in the region.

Through this EOI process, Council aims to identify individuals, businesses, and organisations that understand the urgent need for childcare services in the Maranoa region and have viable plans to address this issue. By encouraging collaboration and innovation, Council hopes to establish a diverse range of childcare options that meet the unique needs of our community.

Interested parties are invited to submit their Expression of Interest by Friday, 14 July. Council encourages applicants to think creatively and consider the long-term sustainability and affordability of their proposed solutions. Submissions should outline the vision, objectives, and strategies for providing high-quality childcare services that can make a positive impact on the lives of families in our region.

Mayor Tyson Golder expressed Council’s commitment to finding effective and sustainable solutions.

"Council wants to increase childcare services for families, so we’d like to hear from groups or individuals who can help us figure out how we can bring more childcare services to the Maranoa region. We want to know what’s stopping this happening and are eager to hear from the community through an Expression of Interest. It’s a simple, short form and an easy way to let us know,” said Cr Golder.

Expressions of Interest can be submitted here before Friday, 14 July 2023.

For further information, please phone Council on 1300 007 662.