Reconstruction of the timber on Muggins Lane bridge to commence

Under constructions closure 1

Residents in Yuleba and surrounds are likely to see an increase in activity around Muggins Lane, as the reconstruction of the Muggins Lane timber bridge is set to begin.

The first stage of the works, which commenced on Monday, 12 June 2023, will include early site works and the removal and salvage of parts that are no longer structurally sound. These works are expected to take around three weeks to complete.

There is likely to be a slight gap in activity before the specialist bridge team from Timber Restoration Systems (TRS) mobilise to site in August to complete the main reconstruction works.

Mayor Tyson Golder is pleased to hear residents within the Bendemere local area will soon be able to access the Muggins Lane route via the newly restored bridge.

“We try our best to ensure all residents across the Maranoa region are provided with safe and effective roads and infrastructure, whether they are brand new or newly restored,” said Cr Golder.

“I’m very pleased the Muggins Lane timber bridge is being restored for our Bendemere local area residents.”

The construction area will be fenced off and closed to public and unauthorised people while works are underway.

Once the bridge reconstruction works are complete, additional minor road works will be completed by Council.

The bridge reconstruction works are scheduled to be completed by October 2023 with the newly restored bridge and Muggins Lane route expected to be reopened to the public before the end of the year.

The bridge rehabilitation project is co-funded by the Australian Government under the Bridges Renewal Program Round 5, contributing a total of $264,576 toward the project.