Maranoa Regional Council will focus on restoring the region after adopting the 2023/24 Budget yesterday (Wednesday, 28 June 2023).
Council will invest $257.9 million in the 2023/24 Budget, which will be funded from a mix of rating and non-rating revenue and other funding sources including:
Total Revenue $223.5 million, which includes $100 million for flood restoration works
Total Operating Expenditure $193 million
Capital Project Expenditure $55.9 million
Maranoa Regional Council Mayor Tyson Golder said Council’s forecast cash position on 30 June 2023 is $67.3 million and is expecting a further $16.9 million from an early payment of financial assistance grants.
“We have listened to our residents. This financial year, Council’s priority is to keep our towns connected by investing in roads, paying down debts and keeping rates affordable for all commercial, industrial and rural residential properties,” Cr Golder said.
“This budget includes a major investment from all three tiers of Government with over $139 million to be spent on our road network. We continue to work hard to deliver value for money across the region for a Council with the third largest road network in Queensland.”
Other regional projects include:
$2 million to Water, Sewerage, Gas projects across the region
$115,000 for Sports and Recreation, including $75,000 to Surat Recreation Grounds Improvements
$235,000 for Yuleba Fire Tower Refurbishment
$3.6 million for Buildings and Facilities, including $2 million to Basset Park Upgrades, $335,000 to Mitchell Pool Improvements and a contribution of $210,000 to Injune Early Education Learning Centre
$6.3 million to Arcadia Valley Upgrade Works
$15 million to extending the bitumen on Bollon Road
$300,000 to Roma Airport Upgrades
Roma Cultural Centre $507,350 including upgrades to air conditioning
Plant Replacements $4 million
$367,000 to Arts & Culture and Libraries, including a contribution to the Injune Museum fit out and Mitchell Library air conditioning & heating improvements
In 2023/24, Council will invest $39.4 million on roads and drainage with an additional $100 million on flood restoration works to manage the 5,844 kilometres of road in the Maranoa region – the third largest Council road network in Queensland.
Council continues to invest in the vibrant liveability of the Maranoa region, with $237,400 to be spent on new and upgraded footpaths in the region, providing connections within our towns.
In addition, Council will pay down debt by $1.8 million in the 2023/24 budget and has taken out no new borrowings to ensure the sustainability of Council’s financial health. By doing so, Council is able to reduce its liability and increase savings.
In 2023/24, 50.64 per cent of the funding required (excluding flood restoration works) for services and projects will come from rates and charges levied through the rate notices.
For further information, or to view the 2023/24 Budget, please visit: Budgets – Maranoa Regional Council
A special Budget Meeting video has been posted to Council’s YouTube, Facebook and website.