Council's spring and summer Council Meeting series commences this month

Council will kick off its spring and summer Council Meeting series from September, with the first meeting to be held in Injune on Wednesday, 8 September 2021.
All meetings will commence at 9am and will continue during the day. The meetings will break for morning tea, lunch, and supper for Councillors to catch up with attending community members.
Mayor Tyson Golder said he, along with his fellow Councillors would like to invite the community to these out and about meetings.
“We look forward to catching up with our community members during our spring and summer Council Meeting series,” Cr Golder said.
The series will run until February next year and will be held at the follow locations:
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
Injune Memorial Hall
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Yuleba Memorial Hall
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Surat Shire Hall
First meeting in February 2022 (date to be confirmed)
Mitchell Shire Hall
For more information, please contact Council on 1300 007 662.