RADF Grants now open!

RADF Grants now open!

Maranoa Regional Council was successful in securing funding from Queensland’s Regional Arts Development Fund to be able to offer our community RADF grants this September!

If you are looking to fund a special project, the RADF grants will give you the opportunity to bring those projects to life with the grant application round open now and will close Friday, 15 October 2021.

Mayor Tyson Golder said the RADF grants are a great opportunity for development of community Arts and Culture projects that include visual arts, music, theatre, drama, dancing, digital media, public art, collections or designing. Arts and culture are a key driver in creating strong communities in our region.

“These grants offer community groups the chance to accomplish new projects which will produce many benefits for our region as well as bringing our communities together and supporting the Art and Culture our region has to offer.”

Minister for the Arts Leeanne Enoch said the Palaszczuk Government is investing $2.08 million through the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) in 2021-22, matched with a contribution of approximately $2.3 million from 59 councils across the state.

“RADF is a great example of working together to deliver our COVID-19 economic recovery plan, supporting employment opportunities and creating new arts and cultural experiences in local and regional communities,” Minister Enoch said.    

“RADF in 2021–2022 will provide valuable social, health and economic outcomes for regional Queenslanders, and support our Government’s 10-year arts roadmap priorities to strengthen Queensland communities, activate local places, and drive social change across the state.”

The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Maranoa Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

To find RADF Application Form and Guidelines please visit, Grants and Funding – Maranoa Regional Council

For more information regarding Council’s RADF Grants Program, please contact Council’s Economic and Community Development Team on 1300 007 662.