Maranoa Regional Council adopts Annual Report for 2022-2023 financial year
Maranoa Regional Council is pleased to announce the release of its Annual Report for the 2022-2023 financial year, which was recently tabled at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 25 October 2023
along with the successful adoption of the 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements, with an unmodified audit opinion issued by the Queensland Audit Office – a ‘clean bill of health’.
Additionally, Council has adopted the Quarter 1 Operational Plan and Budget for the 2023-2024 financial year, showcasing a surplus in funds, and reinforcing its ongoing commitment to operational transparency and financial sustainability.
Mayor Tyson Golder is pleased that the reports have been finalised ahead of time without setbacks.
“It is comforting seeing these major legislative reports being prepared and brought to fruition. As a result of their efforts, dedicated and proactive staff have ensured completion ahead of schedule.” Said Cr Golder.
To view the 2022-2023 Annual Report, or the 2023-2024 Operational Plan Quarter 1 update, please visit