Inaugural Maranoa Medical Bursary Program Awarded
The Maranoa Regional Council is pleased to announce it has endorsed $70,000 for the inaugural Medical bursary round for 2024.
At its 24 Jan 2024 meeting, Council endorsed 4 bursary recipients and moved to the next step on its final Medical Retention bursary. The Bursary program aims to support new and existing healthcare professionals on their education pathway in order to provide an incentive to retain local doctors and nurses within the region.
Council worked closely with key representatives from the Roma District Hospital (SWHHS) and the Maranoa Medical Centre to review applications and make recommendations for the allocation of the bursary funds.
In a highly competitive round, the bursary program received a total of 14 applications, with an equal split across both doctors and nurses. The panel emphasised the importance of medical professionals maintaining a relationship with the community and the long term benefits of supporting further education and professional development.
Mayor Tyson Golder stated that “Instead of saying solutions are impossible - Council has put together these bursaries as a step in the right direction to solving this long term GP and midwife crisis by introducing a program that grows our own local professionals; making the Maranoa an attractive place to build your career’.
Council has endorsed, Chelsea Gorry as the successful 2024 medical student bursary and has moved to the next step with applicants in relation to the Medical intern retention bursary. There are two bursaries of $20,000 each. In addition, Council has selected Ashleigh Wall, Jael Halls and Rowena Dingle as the recipients of the one off $10,000 nursing bursaries.
Given the quality of applications and candidates received, Council has also provided two commendation awards of $2500 each to Chloe Davis and Kissea Cruz from Roma State High School and St Johns, who both wish to enter the medical field. This award, by exception, is to commend them on their academic achievements for Year 12 , the quality of their applications and to support their first year entry into the medical field.
This initiative builds upon other initiatives to support the retention of doctors and nurses in regional communities and to make the Maranoa region a great place to live.