Community Consultation for Mitchell Multi-Purpose Facility

Community Consultation for Mitchell Multi-Purpose Facility

Maranoa Regional Council is seeking community’s further feedback on the design concepts proposed for the Mitchell Multi-Purpose Facility site at 48-52 Cambridge Street, Mitchell.

The site currently comprises of the Old Things Shop and Landcare.

Following on from feedback received earlier in the year regarding building ideas for the site, Council is presenting two concepts to the community for the proposed development and asking for your feedback.

If you wish to provide your feedback in person, a meeting with Councillors and staff will be held at Mitchell Shire Hall on Thursday, 7 October 2021 at 10am. A light lunch will be provided.

Please RSVP to Dee Schafer by Tuesday, 5 October via email, or Call Council Customer Service on 1300 007 662

If you can’t make it to the session, you can also submit your preference and comments through Council’s Have Your Say website or in person at the Mitchell Library. The feedback period is now open and will close on Friday, 8 October 2021.