Easter Events and Signage - Support for the Community
Maranoa Regional Council continues to support and assist communities through a variety of community betterment actions.
By listening to community member requests, clear plans have been established to support various groups over the coming months.
Directional Signage for Teelba Community
With Council’s assistance, the Teelba Community will have a new directional property sign, which will be installed by the Council as a matter of priority.
Wayfinding has been a long-standing issue due to the lack of phone service, and as a result, visitors, service providers and emergency services were easily getting lost. Through the collaboration of the community and Council, this new signage hopes to minimise these issues and provide information for all travellers.
Easter in the Country Support
For the thirteenth year in a row, Maranoa Regional Council is pleased to support this year’s annual Outback Tucker Under the Stars event (Thursday 28 March) as part of the 2024 Easter in the Country Festival.
To ensure the success and community enjoyment of this event, Council has approved the use of the Roma Saleyards and will assist delivering Easter in the Country events. The Council supports Easter in the Country through in-kind assistance of labour, internal plant, and materials, waiving of hire fees and electricity charges.
Mayor Tyson Golder is glad to support such events, bringing the community together for a fun night of celebrations. “Each year I enjoy seeing all the locals come together for a night under the stars. It is a great night for families, with many kids having the time of their life”, Cr Golder said.
South West Drags Strip Repair
Council is supporting $125,000 for immediate repairs to the drag strip so that the club can host its Easter 2024 event. These works will commence before the first week of March 2024. Mayor Tyson Golder said “Council has also given in principle support for a permanent upgrade of the track to ensure it will last for the next 10 -15 years”. Council will work with the club to develop a business case and identify grant funding for the project so that a project can be considered in 2024.25.
Saloon Car Club
Council will be sponsoring The Saloon Car Club of Roma and District Inc.’s for $2500 and offering in-kind assistance for upcoming events. These events will take place 17 February and through the Easter in the Country Events over 29 – 30 March. The funding will assist the club to host the Queensland Titles event in February, which expects to attract thousands of competitors and spectators to the region.