Council Snapshot - 12 June 2024

Council Snapshot - 12 June 2024

Read your latest Maranoa Regional Council snapshot from the Ordinary Meeting held on 12 June.

In its Ordinary Meeting of 12 June, Council considered:

Development Application Wyndham Street

Council considered and approved the material change of use application. Council noted some community concerns given the proximity of the business to residential areas and considered the impact of noise and traffic during the development as well as its hours of operation. Council sought to balance the need to ensure the amenity of nearby residents was protected through appropriate conditions being attached to the approval.

Review of Community Grants and Sponsorship Policy

Council moved to review and amend the Community Grants, Non-Financial Assistance and Sponsorship Policy to ensure it reflects the strategic direction of the current Council. It is important to ensure that there is an equitable and transparent process behind the allocation of grants across the entire year.

Attendance at Australian Council of Local Government

Council approved the Mayor and Deputy Mayor attending the Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly and Conference in Canberra. Council agreed it is important for the region to be represented and to advocate on behalf of the Maranoa.

Support for the Endeavour Rally

Council voted to provide a variety of in-kind support to the Endeavour Rally in August. With more than 200 participants involved the event will bring economic benefit to the area, as well as introducing potential future return visitors.

Rollover of funds for the Injune Museum Project

The Cultural Heritage Injune Preservation Society had an allocation of funds in the 23/24 budget available for it to us as a co-contribution enabling it to seek additional funding from other agencies for the completion of the Injune Museum. This had not been spent as the Society sought additional grants. Council voted to rollover the allocation to assist in this ongoing process, noting the constructive way the Society had been proceeding with it plans.

Applications through Regional Arts Development Fund

Council considered and approved three applications through the Regional Arts Development Fund. The projects funded through this program bring are designed to enrich the community with the workshops conducted developing arts-related skills across the region.

Roma Natural Gas Supply Agreement Renewal

In a closed session as it involved commercially-in-confidence details, Council agreed to renew its gas supply agreement with Santos. Council supplies gas to residents sourced under these wholesale purchasing arrangements. During discussion it was noted that within the region there were no alternative natural gas suppliers and Council accepted the price increases under the renewed agreement.

Audit Committee

At its previous meeting Council voted to expand the number of independent members on its Audit Committee from two to four. At this meeting Council reviewed the remuneration the members would be paid, including those paid by similar Councils. Councillors noted that as a business with a turnover of more than $100 million annually it was important to ensure the committee attracted appropriately qualified independent members to provide rigor and confidence in the supervision of Council’s business.

Revenue Policy

Council’s Revenue Policy must be reviewed annually. It sets out the principles used by Council for how it levies rates and charges and grants concessions for rates and charges. Council resolved to adopt the revenue policy which will inform the budget plan to be adopted later in the month.

Telstra Pay Phones

The issue of Telstra removing payphones from the region was discussed after concerns were raised by the community. With equity and accessibility of communication vital to the region, Council resolved to write to Telstra to request an explanation of its plans for phone booths.

Yuleba Rail Corridor

With Council preparing for an influx of tourists visiting Yuleba for the Cobb & Co Festival in August, staff have been working to ensure the town looks its best. Concerns were raised about the rail corridor, leading Council to resolve to write to Queensland Rail to request it ensure the corridor is also maintained.