Community Info Session: Coordinated Baiting Program

New coordinated baiting program pic 1

As the Maranoa Regional Council prepares for the next Coordinated Baiting Program across the region, it will be hosting a free information and feedback session for interested landholders.

The information session will be held as part of a review of the coordinated baiting program, to receive feedback from landholders, gain a better understanding of the impacts of pest animals in our region and identify hot spots.

The event will also provide landholders with information about making the most out of pest animal control.

The information session will be hosted in conjunction with Biosecurity Queensland and Southern Queensland Landscapes.

Expert presenters will advise on topics including strategic baiting, property management techniques to reduce impact of wild dogs on stock, feral pig management and disease awareness.

Council operates the coordinated baiting program twice a year, with the next in October, to assist landholders in controlling pest animals on their properties as part of its Biosecurity Management Plan.

The session will take place between 9am to 3pm on 1 August, 2024 in the Ernest Brock Room, 57 Bungil Street Roma.

More information about the program can be viewed on our events page: Community Info Session: Coordinated Baiting Program – Maranoa Regional Council