Maranoa civic ceremonies to benefit from Mayor’s gift

Maranoa Regional Council.

Important occasions in the Maranoa will be marked by an added touch of ceremony with future civic leaders to wear Mayoral robes and chains.

Maranoa Regional Council has resolved to acquire the proposed Mayoral robes, however Mayor Wendy Taylor has personally offered to purchase the chains and donate them to Council.

In May, following a motion from Cr Taylor, Council resolved to investigate the cost to purchase a Mayoral robe and chains with a report to be provided outlining the options and associated costs.

At the ordinary Council meeting of 24 July, the report was presented noting that robes were expected to cost $1400, with chains costing a further $6400.

Following the presentation of the report, Cr Taylor tabled a letter in which she offered to purchase the chains and donate them to Council.

“I asked if Council could investigate the cost of Mayoral Robe and Chains,” Cr Taylor wrote.

“This was not to be about me. It is about adding something special to Ceremonial events, such as Citizenship and Australia Day Awards. I wanted to ensure that these occasions are more memorial for those involved.

“As you can see by the estimates that are tabled the Robe is very affordable, maybe even more so if we put it out for expressions of interest to a local seamstress.

“The chains however are expensive and though they would last 100 years, I just don't think this is the time for council to spend this with the deficit we have this year.”

“I would like to purchase the chains and donate them to Maranoa Regional Council from Peter and Wendy Taylor.”

Council resolved to invite an expression of interest for a local seamstress to make the Mayoral Robe and receive the correspondence from Mayor Taylor and note the offer and intent to purchase and donate the chains to Maranoa Regional Council on behalf of Peter and Wendy Taylor.

Cr Taylor indicated that she would be looking to have the chains made locally.

The report noted that the Mayoral chain consists predominately of the term bars, with each representing a mayoral term.

The term bars will extend back to the formation of the Maranoa Region with former Mayors Loughnan and Golder being represented.

“I think the people of the Maranoa deserve to have their civic leaders reflect the pride that they have in their region,” Cr Taylor said.

“Important events should have a dignity to match that pride.

“However, I also understand that with the budgetary challenges we face, this year is not the year to engage in spending that may be seen as unnecessary.  

“Peter and I were proud to have raised our family here, and run our business with the support of this community.

“I would be honoured to be able to provide the community with this symbol.”