Expression of Interest - Mayoral Robe

Expression of Interest - Mayoral Robe

Maranoa Regional Council is seeking local talent to put forward an expression of interest to design and tailor the robe to be worn by future Mayors.

This robe is to be worn on special occasions such as formal functions, council meetings and citizenship ceremonies.

This call follows Council’s decision to further investigate the associated costs and options for a Mayoral Robe and Chains.

The wearing of a mayoral robe or regalia, has historical significance and was born from an English tradition dating back to at least the 14th Century and serves as a symbol of ceremony and civic leadership. Australian Local Government has adopted this tradition, and many mayors wear a mayoral robe and chains of office. Whilst there is no standard colour for mayoral robes, some common colours are black, purple, blue, red and gold. They can be lined in silk and trimmed in velvet, fur or mock fur.

How to Prepare your Submission:
Your submission should respond to the following design requirements and considerations:

  • Visually demonstrate the significance and purpose of its use
  • Be designed to a ‘one size fits all’ specification
  • Be designed as a unisex garment
  • Reference suggested fabric and embellishment options
  • Demonstrate a suggested colour/pattern selection
  • Fabric selection should consider weight and drape of the mayoral robe
  • Fabric selection should consider the longevity and wear of the garment as it is intended to be used by the current and future mayors

What to include in your submission:
Your submission should include and is not limited to:

  • A coloured illustration depicting the proposed design 
  • An electronic visual presentation
  • More than one (1) design can be submitted
  • Photos of previously designed and tailored garments demonstrating ability
  • A pricing estimate for design and supply of the garment (including timeline for delivery)
  • Fabric or embellishment samples (if available)

Contact Person
Name:  Elected Members & Community Engagement
Telephone:  1300 007 662

Lodgement of Submissions and Delivery Method
Submissions open on Friday 13 September and close at 2pm, on Friday 11 October 2024.

Submissions can be emailed to titled Subject: Mayoral Robe Expression of Interest or lodged at any one of Council’s Customer Service Centres.

Process for Considering Submissions
Following closure of the submission period, Council may seek further information from applicants or invite applicants to make representation about their submission.

Received submissions will be formally considered by Council at the ordinary meeting on 30 October 2024 and submitters informed of Council’s decision.