Campaign to raise awareness about illegal dumping in the Maranoa shows early signs of success

Maranoa Regional Council has been among 32 Queensland Councils which have participated in a six-month grant program funded by the Queensland Government.
Maranoa Regional Council has been among 32 Queensland Councils which have participated in a six-month grant program funded by the Queensland Government.
The Local Government Illegal Dumping Hotspots Program seeks to prevent or reduce illegal dumping through clean-up and prevention projects.
In March, Council commenced an education campaign focusing on behavioural change in the community by raising awareness of the impacts of illegal dumping. Impacts include damage to the environment by contaminating and degrading land and plant and animal habitats, and polluting waterways.
The campaign also encouraged everyone to report illegal dumping or suspected activity.
Min Mi Water Reserve, Six Mile Reserve and Two Mile Reserve which had become hotspots for illegal dumping are now outfitted with newly installed signage and increased surveillance with remote action cameras and compliance activities to deter illegal dumping and promote that there are regular patrols in the area.
Evaluation results have shown that the campaign has been a success and Council is encouraged that these hotspot locations have been kept free of waste since the commencement of the project. Council staff will continue to visit the selected hotspots fortnightly.
The unlawful deposit of any kind of domestic, commercial, or industrial waste is considered illegal dumping, and is an offence that carries fines over $2,000 in the Maranoa.
To report illegal dumping and for more information please contact Council's Environmental Health Team on 1300 007 662
This project is proudly supported by the Queensland Government.