Construction to widen the Warrego Highway - Wallumbilla to begin

Construction to widen the Warrego Highway - Wallumbilla to begin

Transport and Main Roads advises it is set to begin works to widen the Warrego Highway (Miles to Roma) just west of Wallumbilla on Thursday, 8 August 2024 weather and conditions permitting.

This will include widening the 7km section to 10 meters, extending the minor culvert about 4km west and replacing the major culvert about 8km west of Wallumbilla.

A side-track will be constructed for use during the major culvert replacement works. Works will be undertaken between 6am and 6pm up to ten days a fortnight and will continue until late April 2025, weather and conditions permitting.

Traffic delays will be minimised as much as possible by using single lane closures, traffic control and speed restrictions. Motorists should slow down, drive carefully and follow the instructions of traffic controllers and construction signage and allow up to an additional 15 minutes for their journey.

Works may restrict wide-load vehicle access and permit holders should check the TMR Conditions of Operation Database before travelling.

For the latest traffic and travel information visit: or call 131940. For any other enquiries please contact 13QGOV.

If you would like any further information, please contact TMR by emailing:

Map of Roadworks