Update: Boil Water Notice Injune

An updated boil water notice for Injune

Injune residents are advised that the boil water notice for drinking water remains current.

Council is working with Queensland Health and the Drinking Water Regulator to have this notice lifted as quickly as possible.

A lightning strike on 14 February damaged the system board controlling pumps and chlorination, resulting in the need to boil water to ensure it is safe for consumption. Replacement parts have been ordered however are not expected for another two weeks.

In the meantime, Council has altered the pressure pump system. Water is now being pumped to the water tower and reticulated through town to maintain pressure rather than pressurising the town directly by the pressure pumps.

The water being provided to Injune is Chlorinated and clear. As soon as Queensland Health and the Drinking Water Regulator are satisfied that our process is sound, the boil water alert will be lifted.

Council would like to acknowledge and thank Portbury’s Plumbing for their efforts in ensuring continuity of service until the control systems are fully restored.

We thank all residents for their patience and understanding while we work to restore the service.

This notice was issued at: 12:30pm Friday, 28 February 2025